28 January 2006

Sentimentality, Act III...aka Scanner Days

...and if I had the chance, I'd ask the world to dance...

Jason Leupen (right) will have nothing to do with me. Todd Lacher (left) seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

Check out the braids in my hair!!!

Scott Elliott (right) and Eric Paulson (middle) are two of the best fighters and teachers I know!!!

Me and my Benz heading to prom...oh yeah, I took a girl or two with me, too!

The infamous "scowl" that makes me look angry all the time!

The missing link at the Lincoln Memorial

I owe Leslie Cockburn (left) a debt of gratitude, as her friendship touched me more than she will ever know.

I owe this young woman, Kathy, my deepest apologies. You didn't deserve my cruelty.

The couple in the middle, Steve and Courtney, were very close friends...until I drove them away in characteristic fashion.

Tough guy gets his ass kicked by a few waves.

I have suppressed any memory of this brief, but well documented, football career.

Graduate and Grandparents

In The Beginning....

19 January 2006

Without answers, I'm left to trust what I know in my heart

02 January 2006